Longbridge campaigner Dan Caldicott attended the opening of the new Marks and Spencer’s store on the former Longbridge works site on Wednesday 4th November 2015. The new store has created over 350 jobs and is part of the regeneration plan to ultimately create 10,000 jobs. The new store is the biggest in the West Midlands and has many features that are exclusive to the store. Dan is hopeful that with Marks and Spencer now opened and other retailers opening in the coming weeks that the Longbridge Town Centre will provide a boost to the local economy in the run up to Christmas. The new retail stores are only part of the regeneration plans for Longbridge with residential building continuing to the south of the town centre and a Royal Centre for Defence Medicine also being built as part of the current phase of the regeneration. If you have any issues in Longbridge Ward do not hesitate to contact Dan on [email protected] and he will do his best to solve your issues.