Members play an active role in the Party, and receive important voting rights in Party elections. As a Member, you’ll be able to:
- Decide who represents the Party in local and general elections
- Vote in elections for the Party Leader and in your local Association’s AGM
- Attend Party Conferences
- Gain access to exclusive social events including dinners, talks by MPs and other prominent Conservatives
- Stand for election
In addition, you’ll receive:
- A membership card
- Regular email updates
- Invitations to our regular political and social events
Becoming a Member costs £39 a year, £25 for serving or former members of the Armed Forces, or £10 a year if you’re under 23.
Join on-line as a Member now, or renew your membership, by clicking here
Paying by direct debit helps to maintain membership and ensure you are kept up-to-date by the party and your local association.
If you'd prefer to join offline, please download this membership form (PDF) and return it by post