Aaron Humphriss, a local Conservative campaigner in Billesley ward (Birmingham), wants to see first aid taught in local schools... Aaron said: "First aid skills are essential. If it was not for the Army Cadet Force teaching me first aid, I would have been useless at the scene of two road traffic incidents that have occurred locally. Emergency situations can crop up at any moment and so I believe that every child should be a lifesaver.". This comes at a time when Parliament is considering an Emergency First Aid Bill which would make first aid compulsory in all state schools. Few of us know exactly what to do in times where someone needs help. But, with the Emergency First Aid Bill, this can be brought to an end. The solution to this is to teach our youth how to deal with emergency situations so that they can preserve and protect life, whilst preventing any further injury. Learning even the basics could help save a life in the future! A local Saint John’s Ambulance Cadet, SGT Niamh Hughes (16), said: “Something which takes seconds for you to sign up to could have the power to create a generation of life savers. How much better would the world be if so many more people had the ability to do something as simple as even opening an airway? It's enough to save a life. Sign up now to support the Bill for first aid in schools.”. So please, sign the petition! Your signature can help towards saving lives.