Council admits unaware of serious safeguarding issues as home to school transport contract collapses 15th July 2019 A report to Birmingham City Council’s Cabinet today (15 July 2019) highlights how Labour run Birmingham City Council extended the contract for home to school... Articles
Labour parks sale shock to cover £18m black hole 15th July 2019 The Labour Birmingham City Council plans to sell off even more park land than first thought to cover an £18m black-hole in its budget as financial mismanagement... Articles
Birmingham Labour rejected calls from residents for bin compensation instead vote to close meeting 45 minutes early to prevent debate. 10th July 2019 Labour run Birmingham City Council have rejected calls from residents and the Conservative Opposition Group to provide compensation to residents where they have... Articles
Hundreds back campaign to limit house conversions to HMO's in Birmingham 10th July 2019 Hundred’s of Birmingham residents have signed a petition calling on the City Council to do more to stop the proliferation of Houses of Multiple Occupation that... Articles
Plans to transform Erdington High Street storm through to next stage of Future High Streets funding bid 5th July 2019 The Government has today announced that Erdington has got through to the next stage of the national future High Street Fund. The scheme was set up to help... Local News
West Midlands Mayor Andy Street says he is ‘concerned’ about plans to take down Perry Barr flyover and the impact the project could have on local people and the up-coming Commonwealth Games. 24th June 2019 West Midlands Mayor Andy Street says he is ‘concerned’ about plans to take down Perry Barr flyover and the impact the project could have on local people and the... Articles
Conservatives slam Labour refusal to improve staff maternity pay to levels offered by industry leaders 24th June 2019 The Conservative Group on Birmingham City Council have slammed the ruling Labour Administration for failing to bring forward an improved parental leave policy... Articles
Conservatives urge Labour Council to use the delay to travel tax to scrap the tax 18th June 2019 Following the news that Labour run Birmingham City Council will have to delay the introduction of the Travel Tax on cars coming into Birmingham next from next... Articles
Birmingham Labour forced to scrap un-affordable Energy company plan 12th June 2019 The Conservative Group on Birmingham City Council have welcomed the announcement by the Leader of the Council that Labour will be abandoning their manifesto... Articles