City Centre Greenway - What do you think?

Green spaces are vital to our City and we are lucky to have so many green spaces across Birmingham. One of the ways in which we can increase our green spaces is by creating greenways. 

What is a greenway?

Greenways are frequently created out of disused railways, canal towpaths, utility or similar rights of way, or derelict industrial land. Greenways also can also be linear parks, and can serve as wildlife corridors. The path's surface may be paved and often serves multiple users: walkers, runners, bicyclists, skaters and hikers.


We want to hear what you think about the idea of a greenway in the City Centre and beyond and how we can make Birmingham even greener with more trees. 


City Centre Greenway

  • Current City Centre Greenway
  • Get involved
  • Your details
Do you think that there should be more green space in the City centre?
If constructed, how often do you think you would use a Greenway for walking and/or cycling?
Do you agree that a Greenway would contribute positively to the city centre?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Do you think that derelict/abandoned buildings should be removed to make way for more green spaces in the City centre?
Do you think there are enough trees in the City Centre?
Over the last several years there has been a reduction in the number of street trees. Do you think that this is a good or bad thing?
Would you like to see more tree lined streets?
Do you support the idea of a greenway in the City centre?
Strongly Against
Strongly Support
Ranking them from the one you would like to see most first, what things would you like to see on the greenway to increase Birmingham’s biodiversity? Weight
Bird Boxes
Hedgehog Corridors/Homes
Bee Gardens
Green Walls
Brown Roofs (Provide a home for local plants that may have been displaced by the build.)
Do you think that there should be stalls/commercial units such as coffee shops/small independent businesses along the greenway?
With 1 being strongly disagree and 10 being strongly agree do you think that we should be giving road space over to cars?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Do you think that a greenway should extend out further than the City centre?